Tips to Downsize the Easy Way

Downsizing is liberating and exciting , however, getting rid of your belongings can also be quite challenging. Even though manufactured homes are quite spacious (many with over 1000 square feet and open floor plans) you’ll need to prep before downsizing to a manufactured home.
Here are some tips to follow to make your move as easy and stress-free as possible!
Plan Ahead
Start planning your move at least 6 -12 months before your official move-out date. Don’t wait until crunch time, this will help ease the move and will save you from unnecessary stress.
Keep, Donate, Sell,
This can take some time – so be sure to give yourself time to go over all your belongings and decide what will be moving with you and what items are will be donated or sold before moving. Decluttering methods such as the KonMari method or the 4 Box method can help tackle this task with a strategy.
Measure the Space
Measure your furniture in your current house and ensure that large items will fit into your manufactured home. Measuring beforehand will avoid the trouble of moving unnecessary furniture or paying for expensive monthly storage fees. Talk to your home consultant and ask for a floor plan or visit your manufactured home and measure the space yourself.
Downsize your Shopping Habits
Once your home is decluttered and ready for the downsize, you might think that the work is done, however, downsizing does not end there. In order to maintain your home free of clutter, you will need to modify your shopping habits. Once you’ve moved into your new manufactured home, you’ll have to work on not accumulating NEW clutter. You might have to ask yourself “Do I really need this?” a few times before purchasing new items. Modify your habits to fit your new home.
At Roberts Communities, we not only offer manufactured homes at an affordable price, but we also provide you and your family with a sense of community. With manufactured communities in Texas and Colorado, each of our communities showcases well-manicured lawns, parks and community centers for all families to enjoy.